Healing through Maara Kai and deepen your connection to Papatūānuku

"I think about this whakatauki all the time"

Ko te Kai he Rongoā

Ko te rongoa he kai

Food is my medicine,

medicine is my food

Current passion projects

tātai tāngata ki te whenua

Tātai Tāngata ki te Whenua course is a progressive initiative that I’m privileged to partner with Te Kahui o Taranaki, Te Kotahitanga o Te Ati Awa and Te Runanga o Ngati Mutunga on.

Tātai Tāngata programme provides practical solution for addressing kai insecurity and provides empowering solutions for our whanau to reduce their food costs by empowering them to grow their own kai. In just five months, whanau will learn how to grow healthy vegetables and enjoy the healing benefits of being immersed in Te Taiao.

If you are an registered uri of Te Ati Awa, Taranaki iwi or Ngati Mutunga expression of interest open in September 2024


Pounamu has been committed to upholding and teaching the principles of Hua Parakore verification since 2011. Inspired and mentored by various kaumatua from across Aotearoa Pounamu has been managing the Hua Parakore verification for the past 3 years and sown many seeds of hopes and aspiration amongst whanau in Aotearoa who are now returning to the whenua to grow kai on their cultural landscapes.

Pounamu papakainga Te Rau o Rongo is currently going through the Hua Parakore verification.

te rau o rongo charitable trust

Located on the northern coastline of Taranaki, a mere 20-minute drive north of Ngāmotu/New Plymouth, is Te Rau o Rongo charitable trust. It embodies a visionary mission to educate and inspire whanau to rediscover their connection to whenua, fostering healing and a life of abundance through Kai sovereignty. Pounamu presently holds the role of Pouwhakahaere within the charitable trust.

Te Rau o Rongo Charitable trust delivers a mentoring maara kai programe designed for wāhine māori.

feeding yourself just became easier

Oranga whenua oranga tangata

Sowing seeds of hope and healing

Ko wai a Pounamu?

Pounamu comes from a long line of gardeners, she vividly remembers as a child playing in her nana's big maara in Motunui just north of Waitara, eating fresh peas and smelling the colourful flowers.

Pounamu believes in living closely to Papatūānuku through her passion for growing healthy organic Kai for her whanau, community and also appreciates the maara as it helps to soothe the hingaro and Wairua.

After 27 years of being a mirimiri practitioner Pounamu has switched to gardening and mirimiri of papatūānuku, from her deep connection with the whenua she saids

"The maara is a place of transformation place for healing"

If you've ever tuned into listening to one of Pounamu speaking events to Pounamu you will reasonate and bathe in her wisdom and matauranga as she sows seeds of hope, freedom, and empowerment within her community.



ONLINE COURSES coming soon

inspiring stories on socials

join us on our journey as we share our evolving story returning to whenua, growing Hua Paraparakore Kai, the way that it was intended, aligned with atuatanga and with nature.

@ Copyright 2024 Livingessentialswithpounamu LTD | All rights reserved