Ko Taranaki toku mounga
Ko Waitara toku awa
Ko Te Ati Awa toku iwi
Ko Ngati Rahiri toku hapu
E noho ana ahau ki Onaero
Ko Pounamu Skelton a nge au
Pounamu can often be found in her maara kai where she may be harvesting kai for the whanau kai or harvesting herbs to make into healing products.
For Pounamu, the connection between food and medicine is always at the forefront of her mind. As she says, "Ko Kai te Rongoa Ko Rongoa he kai Food is our medicine and medicine is our food which includes herbs" This powerful whakataukī guides her every step. Born in the small Taranaki town of Waitara, Pounamu's journey took her around the world before calling her back to her roots. She is of Te Atiawa, Taranaki Tuturu, Ngāti Ruanui, and Ngāti Raukawa descent, and her connection to her ancestral landscapes and Māori culture in Taranaki is unbreakable.
Pounamu is not just a speaker and leader; she is an inspiration to her community. Through her knowledge and passion for growing Hua Parakore kai and healing with plant medicine, she plants the seeds of wellness among her people. But Pounamu's impact goes beyond cultivating a thriving Hua Parakore maara. She dives deep into the art of "Maara Kai," healing with her community and reconnecting them to their inner Atua.
By increasing the mauri of the whenua and growing mauri-rich kai, she brings a sense of wellbeing to all. Pounamu is expanding her kete by training as a Rise Global indigenous coach which has been a long term goal to offer coaching session to those who want to dive deeper into their personal growth. As Pounamu would often say You are the architect of your own life, design it in the way that lights you up.
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